Proposal in Barcelona
from potential disaster to epic win

When I first talked with Cory about his proposal in Barcelona, he had a very clear idea: he wanted it to be in one of the best and most scenographic places of the city.

Bunkers, I thought.
Los Bunkers del Carmel were built in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. They were used as part of an anti-craft battery to defend against attacks from the fascists. They also happen to offer one of the best views over Barcelona, and they are therefore one of my favourite places to shoot.

The only issue was that there are a few ways to get to the Bunkers, so as it was supposed to be a surprise proposal, we had to find an easy meeting point where we could pretend to be hanging at the same time.

And the time was 7.30 in the morning. (Sunrise time, best time, yu-huuu!)

I told Cory that we could meet at the closest bus stop, that they could ask me for directions to get there, and that – like every warm, mediterranean, half-Spanish-half-Italian Barcelona citizen – I would have offered to walk them there. Everything sounded perfect.

proposal Barcelona

So on that cold morning I get to the Bunkers’ closest bus stop, excited about the amazing weather and view, and I wait for them. And wait, and wait (I use to get on location super early to be sure I’m not the one who gets the surprise).
And there I see the cab.
And the cab gets close.
And the cab passes by and it goes up the hill.
I message Cory and he confirms that the taxi driver has been so kind he has taken them directly up the hill (it looks like I’m not the only warm and kind Barcelona’s citizen). So I tell him to start walking and I run like crazy up the hill, where I meet them while I’m still trying to avoid dying of a heart attack.
Cory asks me if I know any tour there, and expresses his enthusiasm for finding an English speaking human being in Barcelona (one hundred points for improvisation to this amazing guy!). I don’t have any idea about tours, but I start a random conversation over the fact that I’m a wedding photographer on location scouting and that I can take them to a super nice spot.
We get to the spot and I’m sure that at that point Erika (the lovely soon to be engaged girl) is quite confused by my story, and she’s going to get even more confused. I ask them if they can please pose for me, as I want to check the light for my couple. Cory agrees with enthusiasm (growing confusion), and throws is jacket towards me (even bigger confusion).
At that point we are ready, and this is what happens.

proposal Barcelona

proposal Barcelona

proposal photographer Barcelona

proposal Spain

proposal photographer Barcelona

engagement photographer Barcelona

engagement at Bunkers Barcelona

best engagement locations barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

proposal photographer Barcelona

engagement photographer Barcelona

best views Barcelona

engagement at Bunkers Barcelona

proposal at Bunkers Barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

engagement photographer Barcelona

engagement location Barcelona

engagement places Barcelona

best view Barcelona

After this heart melting proposal, we decide to go back to civilisation and shoot some pictures also in Gothic.
Now let me say: I love engagements, proposals, weddings and love in general. I’m a romantic person. But this shoot will be one of my most favorite ever.
Thanks Cory for choosing me and congratulation to both of you guys!

proposal in Gothic, Barcelona

engagement in Gothic, Barcelona

engagement photographer Barcelona

proposal in Gothic, Barcelona

proposal in Barcelona

engagement in Gothic, Barcelona

proposal in Gothic, Barcelona

engagement spots Barcelona

engagement photographer Barcelona

proposal in Gothic, Barcelona

engagement and proposal photographer Barcelona

La Boutique de la Luz – Proposal in Barcelona – Europe – Worldwide.
Proposal shoot for Flytographer.
If you’re going to propose in Barcelona and want to inquire about my services I’d be super happy to hear from you! Send me an email to or fill the contact form
If you want to have a look at my wedding photos you can find them here

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from potential disaster to epic win

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